Reverse Raffle – Secure your tickets now!

2023 REVERSE RAFFLE TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE….Our St. Michael Church will have its annual REVERSE RAFFLE on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2023.  200 tickets will be sold!  The grand prize is $2,500.00!  Ticket also includes hors d’oeuvres, dinner, and open bar.  Additional chances to win cash prizes will be throughout the evening which include sidebar games, bingo, and 50/50.  All Proceeds continue to go to the Church’s Raise the Roof project!    Tickets are available in the church narthex or by Email: or call the parish office at 330-755-4831.  Get your number(s) now!

Active Threat Training

Many thanks to the 37 parishioners who attended the Active Threat Training this past Tuesday evening. The information about responding to threats and medical emergencies was valuable and will be the basis for our own personalized Crisis Plan. Officers Marc Gillette and Dave Smith commented –  “we are very pleased with the attendance and participation from the church membership.” Look forward to more opportunities to contribute to the development of the St. Michael Crisis Plan. Here are a few photos of the training.

Civic Club Installs New Officers

The Civic Club elected and installed new officers at its recent meeting. President Nick DuBos shared his vision for the Civic Club during the coming year. Check the Church Calendar posted on this website and consult the bulletin for upcoming Civic Club meetings as the organization welcomes new members to help further its vision.

St. Michaels Civic Club Goals

As the newly elected President of the Civic Club, my goals are the following:

  1. Work within our membership and collaborate with other church social organizations to provide 2-4 quality programs/events per year that appeal to a wide range of interests.  One or two of these programs/events must be a major fundraiser for the Civic Club. 
  2. The Civic Club must expand its membership by actively recruiting more women, youth, and families.  We must be welcoming to all ethnic cultures of our church.  By having a wide variety of programs/events, I hope more individuals and families join.
  3. The Civic Club must continue to engage in the betterment of the community by contributing money to worthy causes, such as scholarships, cultural events, youth programs, etc.

By accomplishing the above, it is my hope that the Civic Club remains a major church social organization, representing all parishioners.

A Visit from St. Nicholas

Eastern Christian Formation students were visited by St. Nicholas during their final session of 2022 on December 6. As shared in this week’s bulletin, St. Nicholas was born around 275 AD in a town called Myra. He chose a monastic life and was eventually consecrated Bishop of Myra. While ministering to his flock, he was seized and tortured by those persecuting the church. When the persecutions ceased under the reign of the Emperor Constantine, Nicholas returned to his leadership role and was said to have participated in the First Ecumenical Council at Nicea. He died at an advanced age and to this day his body remains uncorrupted.

Our ECF students participated in the customary visit of St. Nicholas. It is said that St. Nicholas often threw bags of coins down the chimneys of poor families to provide dowries for the daughters so they would not have to be sold into a life of slavery. Out of this legend grew the practice of leaving shoes out the night of December 5 with hay or carrots for the donkey of St. Nicholas. He would replace the hay and carrots with small treats.

During this season of sharing gifts, St. Michael’s is thankful for the gift of Father Kevin and our Catechists who share their time and talents with our youth!

Honoring our Veterans

On Sunday, November 13, 2022, Veterans were honored at the 11 a,m, liturgy, Veterans from St, Michael’s included Andy Arendas, Jerry Arendas, Dr. Andy Bulazo, Mick Burich, Keith Colovos, Mike Drotar, Dr. John Galida, George Hahn, John Hritz, Joe Kinnick, Mike Katula II, Rick Timcisko, and Ed Tirpak.